Services Provided

Many parents or caregivers are curious about the one to one set-up during the therapy session, thinking if it will really help their child to be functional. The one to one therapy session assist the therapists or the teachers to observe the child’s strengths and maladaptive behaviors that needs to be addressed. Moreover, during the session, there will be a constant interaction between the child and the teacher with the use of various techniques to be able to motivate the child.

We see to it that every activities will be fun to make every learning more exciting and appealing to the child. With the principle of Aba therapy, analyze and formulate a program that is fit for the child’s special needs. Once the program is created and ready to be performed, we explain the steps to the parents or primary caregiver for them to do a follow-up at home.
Our center is focus on developing the child’s potential in all areas specifically to health. We do collaborate to different specialists especially if we observed that the child needs to be coordinated to various medical providers such as dentist, physical therapist, speech pathologist, neurologist and others to address certain issues that prevents our intervention to be effective to the child. We always focus to the child’s wellness and development, so whenever we need help from the physical therapist for children who have issues on their gross motor for example. Another example is when the child with special needs experience seizure, we recommend the parents to see a neurologist to alleviate the problem with seizure to have a continuous therapy for the behavior.

The care coordination that we are doing is to guide the parents on the things that they need to do as well. There are cases where parents or the primary providers are confuse and somehow still overwhelmed with the diagnosis which they do not know where to start. We are here to help them start at the beginning so that we will achieve the common for their child.
For children with disabilities, common behavior would be lack of social skills and that is the purpose of the social skill therapy. With this therapy session, we would train the children to interact with the other kids in a natural way in a typical environment. One of the main goal of the therapy is to enhance the child’s independency and trust (to themselves and to others). Assessment during the first few sessions will be highly observed to address the behavior that needs improvement.

The social skill therapy will also allow them to feel safe in the environment such as playground, open areas, parks, schools etc. while addressing certain behaviors that keep them from interacting with other kids. We keep the children motivated by reinforcing positive behavior or prompting them to perform certain task to promote self-trust and enhance social skills.
Children with special needs have issues with their sensory, and most parents and caregivers report that their child is a picky eater. One of our priority is to keep the child healthy for them to be functional, and we highly recommend to parents and caregivers the importance of exposing the child to try foods that are not on the child’s preferred lists not unless there is an existing gastrointestinal issues or allergies to certain food. According to experts, researchers are yet to find the main reason on why children with special needs like autism spectrum disorder are picky eaters.

The purpose of trying new foods is to expose them to different tastes and texture of foods. We always explain to parents and caregivers that children will have a different reaction initially (positive and negative), so we need the parents to be patient and be creative in introducing new foods especially at home. We encourage parents and caregivers to gradually introduce new foods to their kids by letting them touch, smell, lick and even kiss it.
The toilet training one of the major focus during the early stage of the therapy because this is the basic activity that should be independently performed by the children at home or other settings. There are cases that children cannot perform this activity alone, which is why we encourage the parents to be very patient in the early stage of toilet training. For verbal kids, we encourage them to talk whenever they feel the urge to urinate or defecate and for the non-verbal kids, we train them to use gestures associated with the word “pee” or “poop” whenever they like to go to the toilet.

The beginning is always the hardest stage not only for kids, but for the parents and primary caregivers too. We understand the struggle, which is why we are willing to assist the child and the parent for them to properly assist the kids in doing the toilet training. Moreover, our therapists and teachers have various techniques that we can share to the parents and caregivers that they can use at home.
In terms of academic skills, we support children who needs help with their home works or any areas where they feel they do not perform well. Furthermore, we make sure that every children (who has special needs or not) are well attended academically. We see to it that whenever we provide tutoring, there will be no pressure because we believe that fun learning improves the child’s focus and enhances memories.

For the child to be able to absorb the topics needed during tutorial specially whenever there is an examination coming, we simplify each topics according to child’s ability to digest information. In this way, we will not tend to overload the child and avoid confusion. We have prepare brain teasers and activities for children who have difficulties in remembering information.
Our goal is to make sure that every child is properly assessed and evaluated according to their special needs and skills. Functional assessment allows us to fully understand the child’s behavior and as a result, we will be able to create a plan to support their needs or enhance skills that to improve their quality of life. We always collaborate with the parents or the child’s primary caregiver for continuous interventions even at home. Moreover, we encourage the parents and caregivers to report any behaviors that the child possessed at home or whenever they are outside.

We emphasized to the parents and caregivers that every child with special needs have different approaches which is dependent to their behavior. Our function is to apply the necessary plan of action that is based on the conducted assessment. Furthermore, we always explain to parents or caregivers that plan of action may change depends on the child’s reaction to the therapy.
Children with Autism, non-verbal cases are common and we utilized the augmentative system communication. The therapy allows the children to communicate with the use of pictures (PECS), sign languages (ASL) and other communication techniques that does not require voice like facial expressions, gestures and the like. By utilizing this technique, non-verbal children with special needs will be able to express their thoughts and for the parents to understand their needs at a given time.

In dealing with kids who have problems with language is always a challenge to parents and caregivers. That is why we involve the parents and caregivers and provide them the necessary inputs for them to effectively communicate to their kids. We emphasize to the parents and caregivers that whenever they are using gestures or sign language in communicating with the children, they need to associate their voices for their kids to encourage them to copy it.
We train parents or the primary caregivers in dealing with their kids especially whenever they show or possess maladaptive behaviors that results in hurting themselves or the others. First, we let them aware about their child’s condition and educate them why their kids behave this way. We promote awareness for them to understand how it feels to be on their child’s shoe. Furthermore, we educate them about the common misconception about a temper tantrum and a meltdown, so that they will be able to know the difference and how to handle them.

During the training, we will show them how to carefully handle kids during a temper tantrums or a meltdown. Most of the time parents report that they do not know how to calm their kids, so we will train them to properly restrain their kids, especially if the child already self-injurious. There are many techniques and strategies that we offer to parents and caregivers that they can perform to different settings.
According to research, early intervention offers highly positive result to children who have special needs (ASD, ADD, Down syndrome and the like). Experts like Developmental Pediatricians, Occupational therapists and other medical advocate recommended to have the child exposed to early intervention such as ABA for the developmental gaps filled immediately. According to evidences, most children with special needs who have been early diagnosed and proceed with the required therapy were able to possess independency, positive behaviors and academic advantages.

Studies suggest as well that all children in their first few years are easy to train because their brain works like a sponge. They will be able to adapt positive behaviors easily, learn how to follow basic instructions, learn to perform tasks independently and quickly absorb information as far as academe is concerned. So we encourage parents and primary caregivers to help their kids by not delaying the therapy that is intended for them after the diagnosis.
Chrysalis ABA Therapy incorporates speech-language pathologist (SLP) as part of our team consisting of the parents/caregivers and educational professionals (i.e., teacher(s), special educators, BCBA, RBT). The SLP will evaluate spoken (speaking and listening) and written (reading and writing) language for children who have been identified by their teachers and parents as having difficulty.

For preschool students, the SLP may do any or all of the following:

--Gather information about literacy experiences in the home. For example, are there books and other types of reading material around the home? How frequently does the child see family members writing letters, notes, lists, etc.? How often do family members read stories to the child?
--Observe the child during classroom activities.
Evaluate the child's ability to understand verbal and written directions and to pay attention to written information on the blackboard, daily plans, etc.
--Look for awareness of print.
--See if the child recognizes familiar signs and logos.
--Watch to see if a child holds a book correctly and turns the pages.
--Determine if the child recognizes and/or writes name.
--Evaluate whether the child demonstrates pretend writing (writing that resembles letters and numbers).
--See if the child recognizes and/or writes letters.
--Have the child tap or clap out the different syllables in words.
--Evaluate if the child can tell whether two words rhyme or give a list of words that rhyme with a specified word.
Chrysalis ABA Therapy incorporates in our team, occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants help people across the lifespan participate in the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of everyday activities (occupations). Common occupational therapy interventions include helping children with disabilities to participate fully in school and social situations, helping people recovering from injury to regain skills, and providing supports for older adults experiencing physical and cognitive changes. Occupational therapy services typically include:

- an individualized evaluation, during which the client/family and occupational therapist determine the person’s goals,
-customized intervention to improve the person’s ability to perform daily activities and reach the goals, and
-an outcomes evaluation to ensure that the goals are being met and/or make changes to the intervention plan.

Occupational therapy services may include comprehensive evaluations of the client’s home and other environments (e.g., workplace, school, In Center), recommendations for adaptive equipment and training in its use, and guidance and education for family members and caregivers. Occupational therapy practitioners have a holistic perspective, in which the focus is on adapting the environment to fit the person, and the person is an integral part of the therapy team.


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